The Blog

ashley marie anthony
After a marathon month of all work and no play, the NEW Twigs & Honey Collection has finally arrived! Also, the NEW online store has launched!! Click HERE.Thank you to Lisa Warninger for her am...

a novel romance 2010
More prettiness from A Novel Romance
As promised, more gorgeous Lisa Warninger photos from A Novel Romance.
I LOVE this dress. It was in that Portland shopping commercial in a previous post.I love the color of this dress. Swoon!I had ...

boudoir photo session in portland oregon
Tastefully done boudoir
A little part of me cringes at the thought of boudoir photos... perhaps it's modesty... or maybe I've seen too much done in ways that make me feel uncomfortable? I think boudoir is gorgeous and bea...
chelsea fuss
Urban Weeds :: new blog to watch!
I just saw on Chelsea's frolic blog today that she has teamed up with the fabulous photographer, Lisa Warninger, on a new blog: Urban Weeds: Street Style from Portland.I cannot wait to see all the ...

bridal hair
Wedding dream team collaboration :: Photo shoot
Whew! Yesterday was fantastic! I had a great time collaborating with some of my favorites (the best!) in the Portland wedding arena for a gorgeous photo shoot. Dress extraordinaire, Elizabeth DyePh...